Rabia Said
Dallas, Texas
Rabia Said - Personal Injury, Truck Wreck and Car Accident Lawyer in Dallas, Texas
Rabia Said received his bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M Commerce, and went on to receive a Juris Doctor from Texas A&M School of Law. While in law school, he worked as an intern for the 44th Civil District Court in Dallas. During his tenure as an attorney, he has tried and won numerous cases in Dallas, Tarrant and Collin County.
Prior to joining Witherite Law Group, he represented hundreds of clients in cases ranging from contractual disputes to wrongful death claims. His passion for the law is evident from his eagerness to take on new challenges, and his zealous advocacy of his clients who are taken advantage of by careless individuals and insurance companies.
Since joining the firm in 2018, Rabia has put together an impressive record of success both in and out of the courthouse, netting his clients millions of dollars in recovery through settlements and jury verdicts.
Rabia has been admitted to practice law in Texas since 2015. He is an avid soccer and basketball fan and loves to spend his free time with his daughters and wife.
Top Settlements and Verdicts
Client was riding her bike with her family on a late Sunday afternoon. As she traveled through the bike lane, a drunk driver turned into her, knocking her off her bike and causing severe injuries.
Our client was involved in a sideswipe wreck, which resulted in their vehicle spinning out and being struck by oncoming traffic. This harrowing incident led to injuries affecting our client's back and legs.
Our client's vehicle was struck from behind by a truck driver who was engrossed in using his cell phone and not attentive to his surroundings.
Our client was rear ended by a drunk driver while driving home after work. Client sustained injuries to her neck, low back, and legs.
Our client was driving home in Arlington when he was rear ended by an 18 wheeler. The driver of the 18 wheeler was cited for driving while intoxicated. Client sustained injuries to his neck and low back.
Our client was t-boned by a pick-up truck that pulled out in front of her from a private drive. Client had injuries to her wrists, shoulders, and neck.
Client was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler in stop and go traffic. The force of the impact pushed her into the vehicle in front of her. Client injured her neck and low back.
Our client was traveling in stop and go traffic when she was rear ended by a box truck. Our client sustained injuries to her neck and lower back.
Our client was driving home from the supermarket when a cement mixer made an unsafe lane change into his lane. The cement company lied to the police officers and tried to blame our client for causing this wreck. Client suffered injuries to his left shoulder and neck.
Client was driving to work in the morning when he was rear ended by a tow truck. Client had injuries to his neck and back.
Client was making a left hand turn at an intersection when an 18 wheeler to the right of her turned into her. Client injured her neck and low back
Client was driving to work early in the morning when an 18 wheeler mad an unsafe lane change and collided into her car. The driver of the 18 wheeler drove off, and then denied that he was ever involved in the wreck. Client injured her neck.
Our client was driving home in Frisco when another driver pulled out in front of him from a private drive, causing a t-bone collision. Client suffered injuries to his wrists and shoulders. Client previously dealt with carpal tunnel issues so the insurance company tried to blame his injuries on his prior condition.
Client was driving to work when an 18 wheeler made an unsafe lane change and collided into her vehicle. Police came out and blamed both drivers. Client injured her neck and low back.
Client was a passenger in a car that was t-boned at an intersection. Client injured her neck, low back, and hips.
Our client was a driver of an 18 wheeler that lost power on US 281. As he was pulling over to the right hand shoulder, another 18 wheeler rear ended him. Client had injuries to his neck and low back.
Client was going to the movies with his wife in Collin County when he was rear ended by a driver who was texting and driving. Client had injuries to his neck and low back.
Client was t-boned at an intersection when an 18 wheeler made an unsafe left-hand turn. Police officers determined at the scene that our client was speeding and faulted her for the collision.
Our client was hit by a vehicle that made an unsafe lane change into her lane. The wreck caused minimal property damage, client had injuries to her neck.
Our client was a passenger in her fiancé’s car when a reckless teenager, who was speeding, crashed into the rear of the vehicle, causing significant property damage and injuries to her and her fiancé. She was a hardworking young woman who spent her adult life working in call centers and warehouses. The insurance company wanted to blame her neck and back injuries on her work and only offered $17,000 to settle her case. We filed suit, and a few short months later, we settled our client's case for the policy limits.